Our Music Program
The goal of the music program is to instill an appreciation of music in all students. Throughout the year, students will be exposed to a variety of musical styles, instruments, composers, musicians, history and activities.
Students will learn the songs that will be sung for liturgies throughout the school year. Musical songs, activities and units are often coordinated with the liturgical season, the four seasons, major holidays, and other subject areas. Students will also learn American Sign Language (ASL) to accompany many of their songs.
Students in the Lower Grammar School will participate in movement and dance during many of their classes, while students in Grades 4-5 will engage in recorder instruction. An informational letter will be sent home regarding the purchase of recorders and books. Students in Logic School (Grades 6-8) will engage in a more in-depth study of instrument families, musical time periods and composers.
Extracurricular Music classes include: group instrumental instruction for woodwinds, brass and percussion for students in Grades 4-8; group string instruction for students in Grades 3-8; Choir Chimes for students in Grades 6-8; and Select Chorus for students in Grades 4-8.