Additional Guidelines for Student Dress
Below you will find specific details as they relate to all students in uniform at Christ the Divine Teacher School.
Body art and Tattoos Preschool-8 Visible body art or tattoos are not acceptable |
Hair K-8 Boys’ and girls’ hair must be well groomed. Boys may not grow hair below the tops of their shirt collars. Bangs for boys and girls may not cover the eyes. No exaggerated hair color or style for both boys and girls. |
Dress Down Days K-8 Themes will be announced in advance. On these days, students may wear jeans, sweat suits, tennis shoes, etc. T-shirts which advertise beer, cigarettes, persons of questionable character and offensive wording are NOT permitted to be worn. |
Gym Uniform K-8 Tennis shoes must be worn (may be worn all day). Girls should not wear dresses or skirts on gym day. If they choose to wear either of these items, they must wear shorts underneath. |
Additional Guidelines for Female Students |
Bracelets, necklaces and rings K-8 Bracelets, necklaces and rings, except of a religious nature, should not be worn. |
Earrings K-8 Small earrings are permitted for girls only. Multiple, large or long dangling earrings or excessive jewelry are not permitted. No other body piercing is permitted. |
Hair Accessories K-8 Hair clips may be worn in white or navy without any additional adornments such as flowers, jewels, etc. Headbands in navy or white may be worn. They should be between 1.5” and 2” in width. No sports headbands permitted. Store of your choosing |
Makeup 6-8 only Light makeup only (blush, lip gloss). No makeup for younger students. |
Nail Polish K-8 Clear nail polish only. Artificial nails and dark polish not permitted. |
Purses 6-8 only Girls in Grades 6-8 may carry a small purse during school hours. Store of your choosing |